Fünf weitere Einladungen zum Bukarester Major 2018
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The Bucharest Major 2017VeranstaltungsinfosBesuchenThe organizers of The Bucharest Major 2018 gave out the second part of the direct invites to the event. This time, CompLexity, Virtus.Pro, Team Secret, LGD.FY and Vici Gaming received their invitations. Other teams will be determined during regional qualifiers, but there is still no information about them.
See also: ESL added an invite to ESL One Genting 2018 to Europe.
Full list of participants:
CompLexityVirtus.ProTeam SecretLGD.FYVici GamingNatus VincereMineskiTeam Liquid |
NewbeeEvil GeniusesCISEuropeChinaSEANorth AmericaSouth America
The tournament is scheduled for March 4 – 11 in Bucharest, hosted at basketball arena “Polyvalent Hall”. 16 best teams from all over the world will compete for the prize pool of $1,000,000 and 1500 points that are necessary to get to The International 2018 without passing the regional qualifiers.