Valve hat Dota 2 Patch 7.06f veröffentlicht
Valve updated Dota 2 to 6.07f version today. Developers weakened many heroes and changed few items.
List of changes
[Item changes]
- Mask of Madness: Armor reduction increased from -5 to -6
- Mask of Madness: Cooldown increased from 20 to 22
- Helm of the Dominator: Attack Speed Aura increased from 10 to 15
- Force Staff: Cast range reduced from 800 to 750
- Diffusal Blade: Agility reduced from 25/35 to 20/30
[Hero changes]
- Ancient Apparition: Ice Blast manacost increased from 100/125/150 to 150
- Bane: Base Strength, Agility and Intelligence increased by 1
- Bane: Nightmare cast point reduced from 0.5 to 0.4
- Batrider: Firefly manacost increased from 100 to 125
- Bloodseeker: Rupture manacost increased from 150/200/250 to 200/225/250
- Chen: Hand of God heal increased from 225/350/475 to 250/375/500
- Earthshaker: Fissure cooldown increased from 15 to 18/17/16/15
- Earthshaker: Enchant Totem manacost increased from 20/30/40/50 to 35/40/45/50
- Lich: Chain Frost no longer applies a ministun
- Lich: Ice Armor slow from 30% to 24/26/28/30%
- Lion: Earth Spike stun duration increased from 1.1/1.6/2.1/2.6 to 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6
- Lion: Level 20 Talent changed from +8% Spell Amplification to +300 Finger of Death Damage
- Lycan: Howl no longer provides a net heal on buff application/loss (always maintains the same HP percentage now)
- Nature's Prophet: Base movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
- Nature's Prophet: Sprout flying vision reduced from 750 to 500
- Necrophos: Reaper's Scythe cooldown increased from 90/80/70 to 100
- Necrophos: Ghost Shroud magic resistance penalty increased from -20% to -25%
- Nightstalker: Darkness duration reduced from 50 to 40
- Nyx Assassin: Base damage reduced by 3
- Puck: Illusory Orb flying vision reduced from 550 to 450
- Shadow Demon: Level 15 Talent from +8% Spell Amplification to +10%
- Shadow Demon: Level 15 Talent from +75 Cast Range to +100
- Skywrath Mage: Mystic Flare manacost reduced from 350/575/800 to 300/550/800
- Skywrath Mage: Level 15 Talent increased from +10% Spell Lifesteal to +15%
- Spectre: Haunt illusion damage increased from 30% to 40%
- Spirit Breaker: Base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
- Sven: Stormbolt stun duration reduced from 2 to 1.7/1.8/1.9/2.0
- Sven: Warcry cooldown increased from 34/28/22/16 to 35/30/25/20
- Tiny: Toss manacost reduced from 120 to 90/100/110/120
- Tiny: Grow Scepter attack range bonus increased from 85 to 150
- Undying: Tombstone attacks required increased from 3/4/5/7 to 4/5/6/8
- Venomancer: Plague Wards vision reduced from 1200/800 to 800/800
- Windranger: Shackles duration increased from 1.5/2.25/3/3.75 to 2.0/2.6/3.2/3.8
- Windranger: Shackles cooldown increased from 12 to 18/16/14/12
- Winter Wyvern: Level 15 Talent increased from +20 Movement Speed to +35
- Winter Wyvern: Level 15 Talent increased from +50 Damage to +75
- Wraith King: Reincarnation cooldown reduced from 240/140/40 to 200/120/40
- Wraith King: Level 15 Talent increased from +15 Movement Speed to +30
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